Dear customers, partners and fans,
as managing director of the fourth generation of the family, I am proud of our company. A family business that can act independently and in a value-oriented spirit. That has employees who contribute on a daily basis to the fact that we recognise our responsibility in the world. Recognise because we systematically make our decisions in accordance with the sustainable aspects. And because we can say 'no' when it does not fit economically, ecologically or socially.
Our company headquarters and only location is Hallerndorf near Forchheim, in the middle of greenery, in the middle of the beautiful Franconia. This is my, our home.
Here we look out of the window and enjoy the view of the Franconian Switzerland. Here we are a part of a community and we bear the responsibility for the region. Here is the place where our employees and our local partners live. We know it, we appreciate it and we promote it.
KREUL is the oldest artist's paint factory in Germany. But we are modern in thinking and acting, and we deal with the challenges of the future. Traditional market rules are broken. Digitalisation is shaping the economy. The usage of resources is changing rapidly. And acting sustainably is the core task for us and the future generations.
We need to choose other ways to make the world more viable, liveable and fairer. In doing so, it would not help us to think in black and white.
More importantly, it's about showing your colours.
Dr. Florian Hawranek

For us, sustainability starts at the heart of our products, that is with their formulation. No matter whether we're looking at new products or existing formulations – we scrutinize these to see where we can become even more sustainable. We search specifically for raw materials based on renewable resources and use these wherever we can. For instance, our Glass & Porcelain line contains a binder produced on the basis of vegetable oil, our Transfer Marker is based on a by-product from beet production, and where necessary, we use bioethanol sourced in Germany. For us, it goes without saying that the production of these innovative substances in our products should not compete with food production.
Stretched frames, easels, various wooden backgrounds for decoration as well as drawing and sketch blocks are indispensable for artists and creatives. But also, when we do not produce the accessories ourselves, we make sure that the wood and cellulose used comes from FSC®-certified cultivation. The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is a global, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible forest management worldwide. FSC® defines standards for responsible forest management according to defined principles which are developed and supported by stakeholders from the environmental, social and economic sectors. For further information, please visit

At our company headquarters in Hallerndorf, where our paints are developed and produced, we work in a carbon-neutral process. At same time, we are also steadily reducing climate-harmful CO₂ emissions.
We choose to work with regional suppliers and favour raw materials sourced in Germany. That lowers transport-related emissions and makes our supply chains more transparent.
KREUL fills more than 5 000 000 bottles and jars, etc. with paint every year. To do this, we have improved our in-plant production workflow so that each day we only have to mix a few basic paints, though in very large quantities, as semi-finished products. This way, we reduce our energy consumption and optimize our utilization of resources. For some of our products, we use premixed raw materials to additionally reduce the number of necessary deliveries to our plant.
Thanks to an efficiently organized recycling process, we minimize the impact on the environment caused by the disposal of paint waste. Up to 90 % of this waste is incinerated in a waste-to-energy recycling process. This way, we conserve valuable natural resources.
Doing without is the most sustainable option, and that's why we take a close look at every substance contained in our products: What do we really need? Can we maintain the same quality while using less? In this way, we streamline product formulations and save resources. We favour natural resources over synthetically produced or heavily chemically modified substances. But it is also important for us to keep a watchful eye on the fair and environmentally friendly production of these natural resources. We don’t use wood that isn't certified. And in the long term, we are taking containers and packaging made of 100 % virgin plastic out of our portfolio.

Recycling returns waste products back into circulation instead of these simply being thrown away. We engage in recycling because we are convinced of the value of reuse and want to use recyclates to reduce any impact on the environment.
Bit by bit, we are switching everything that "goes around" KREUL products to recycled plastic. The 250-ml bottle for our SOLO GOYA Acrylic is already made of 100 % recycled plastic.
Recycled plastic consists of recyclate, that is reused PE (polyethylene), PP (polypropylene) or PET (polyethylene terephthalate).
You can find more information here.

We redesign to save resources.
A perfect example of this is the packaging for our KREUL Porcelain Marker medium Junior Set Color your cup. The cardboard packaging is smaller in size, but still has space for the same contents as in the previous painting kit.
Or take the 250-ml bottle for our SOLO GOYA Acrylic. This is now made of PCR material, with a new bottle top that makes it easier to portion the paint.
And we have also redesigned our KREUL Nature Brush Bristle and KREUL Nature Brush Synthetics. These brushes have been stripped to the bare essentials and are now made of untreated birchwood without a ferrule.
Refill instead of throwing away! We have opted to introduce a refill system with which pens and markers that run dry can be simply refilled. For a longer lifetime of high-quality products that reduces plastic waste.
So that shoppers can see at a glance what products can be refilled, we have printed a Refill icon on them. This small symbol is one of our sustainability icons. It stands for a longer lifetime of KREUL markers and the opportunity to reduce plastic waste.
You can find more information here.

For the currently unavoidable CO₂ emissions of 556 t CO₂e, we offset 100 % through investments in a climate protection project. The CO₂ emissions were reduced by 39 % in 2022 compared to the measurement period in 2021 (920.44 t CO₂). You can find more information here.
We treat our waste water from filling and production in our plant before discharging it as clear, pH-neutral water into the local sewage system. For 100 litres of paint that we produce, we invest around 2 € in water protection.
As a member of the Bavarian Environmental Pact, we have pledged to mow the field areas on our company grounds just once a year, making provision for flowering and seeding times. In addition, we have a 650 m2 biotope on our land where, along with bees and butterflies, rare species of bird feel at home.
By selecting our partners based on quality rather than cost benefit, we cultivate deep mutual trust. For over 15 years, we have been working continuously in the packaging of our products with a company that is part of the Lebenshilfe initiative for inclusivity – with orders well in excess of the number required as the levy payable under the German legislation on employing severely disabled persons. The employees there identify strongly with our products. Their dedication is shown in the extremely low level of complaints.
KREUL is also a member in the Bavarian Family Pact initiative. This provides us with valuable inspiration to continue with the successful integration of work and family life.